What is a Circle?
A Circle is a community of three to twelve people who meet together regularly. More than a Bible study, a social hour, or a prayer group, Circles are the context for lives to be transformed. A Circle is led by a leader and apprentice who help them learn to become like Jesus, to belong in community, and bring Christ to their neighbors, one life at a time. Circles are where people can encounter God among safe people and find resources to grow as mature followers of Christ.
Why call it Circle?
People usually sit in lines of pews for Sunday gatherings. So we turn people from lines into circles of little communities within the church. We can only apply the “one another” commands of Scripture unless turn and consider one another.
Why Circles?
- God is a community. As we participate in the community of Father, Son, and Spirit, we understand that being made in His image means we were made for community. It’s His indelible mark on us.
- Jesus was in community. When Jesus’ ministry began, he called twelve disciples to be His primary relational and ministry community. Their lives were changed and then they turned the world upside down.
- The early church was in community. When we look at the early church we get a picture of small communities of people who followed Jesus together (Acts 2:42-49). These believers engaged in life together through teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer, miracles, radical generosity, and corporate worship. These communities were places where people loved, forgave, served, bore burdens, encouraged, exhorted, prayed, equipped, spoke truth in love, confessed sins, and treated each other as precious members of one body.
So New Life Church shows Christ in community as we give expression of who He is through our love for another (Jn. 13:31-39).
Find a Circle by contacting us at newlifesf@aol.com and letting us know where you live and times during the week you are available. We’ll send you the best matches that fit or help you create a new Circle!